Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dear Vuboq


You must have sexy British accent by now. I'm sure Bala Wala Shi loves it (ask her about her classroom embarrassment). Monday Afternoon Margarita Columbus Day Edition (MAM:CoDE) was a success. We had a lot of fun WITHOUT YOU. We were planning to meet at Alero Dupont Circle, but it was too gorgeous to stay inside, so we decided to change the location to Alero Cleveland Park. When I and Roberto were almost to finish the first pitcher, Roberto mentioned how different the neighborhood was from Adams Morgan. He said Cleveland Park looked mostly straight and conservative (I don't remember exact sentences...). Then I said "well, not really. I see two gay people walking down the street." Roberto looked at the direction and laughed. They were Mike and Darryl. Darryl's friend (?), 22-year-old (!) student, Jon (if I remember his name correctly) joined us. We had three pitchers of Margaritas (I think) and chatted until around 9:20pm (I think).

We talked a little about if we could have sex with someone without any emotional attachment. I have to say "yes." I tend to have emotional attachment to the person after having sex, but to be honest, not always. Mike said "well, but there is passion involved in sex." Maybe, but it doesn't have to be "passion for love." It could be "passion for a great sex." Well, I guess it depends on the person. For me, sex is sex. No less than that, no more than that.

I saw two movies during the weekend. "The last king of Scotland" and "Jesus Camp." I didn't like "The last..." very much, because while I know the movie is meant to be fiction, it confuses audience about the fact and the fiction. The actor Forest Whitaker did a great job to scare me out, though. "Jesus Camp" was very interesting. It's a must see movie to understand "ordinary" Christian right people and the reason why Bush won the second term.

Oh, and I had my first spinning class Monday morning. It was fun.


em nadim said...

apparently there is a sex movie out now.. i think it's called "shortbus." it was featured in TONY. i will check it out this week/end and let you know.

em nadim said...

my class embarassment was related to a south african accent. just for the record.

vuboq said...

no fair having fun without me! i may never forgive you!

*smooches from london*

diablo said...

it was quite fun wasn't it! let's do it again before V returns just to test if it was a fluke! and then when he returns with our magnificent gifts, we can do it all over again!

TK said...

Yes have Margaritas again when I can come! BEFORE vuboq returns! Maybe Jake will come!

Tomokito I am glad you enjoyed spinning®!


vuboq said...

No margaritas without VUBOQ! NONE! It mustn't be done!

*more smooches from London*