Saturday, April 04, 2009

If you are wondering....

Hana is now 2 months old. Here is a little baby porn....Grrrrr....

She weighs 12 lb. 11 oz. Can you imagine your weight doubles in 2 months? And everyone applause for it?

You get applause when you burp and poop. Good life, baby.

Now she can grab a toy!

My friend Ayako the sports writer who recently interviewed Usain Bolt in Jamaica took this photo. I love it.

I know, she is cute. C'mon, she is my daughter!


dykewife said...

she's so teeny! shoot, boy was 9 pounds when he was born..two months later he was godzilla!

anne marie in philly said...

wow, just look how hana has grown!

such a good life - eat, sleep, poop; kinda like my cats.

Tourism Indochina said...

Hi there,

Congratz you got so cute daughter..

Thanks for sharing you cute daughter photos...

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