Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I saw the Pedro Almodovar's new film, "Volver," on the Christmas Day with my husband, my mother-in-law, brother-in-law (all Argentinean) and his girlfriend (Mexican). Despite the fact that I was the only one among them who had to follow the subtitles and sometimes delayed laughs, I loved the movie! Penelope Cruz glows in the movie. I told you! You shouldn't have been in the Holywood movies! This movie could be my third most favorite Almodovar movie. The first and the second are the title and the subtitle of this blog.

Ok, I'll blog I don't have to work tomorrow! Yey!


vuboq said...

You don't have to work tomorrow? (today?) NO FAIR!!!

I can't believe you went to see Volver without me. *sniff* I will try to forgive you though.

I also want to see Curse of the Golden Flower.

em nadim said...

loved Volver too.. i think all the actresses were great in it. hello to the argentinian brothers (and the mexican gf):)